FL-1 plak laboratwa chofaj
Elektwonik dijital plak cho
LPlak chofaj asye aboratwar
Plak laboratwa asye pur
Asye pur plak chofaj elektrik
Laboratwa thermostat plak cho 400c
Konstan tanperati asye pur plak cho
Mayetik ajitasyon pou laboratwa
Product Description laboratory magnetic stirrer hotplate Uses:It is used when liquid heating is needed in industry, agriculture, health and medicine, scientific research and college labs etc.Characteristics: 1. Die-casting and stretching roof cover; Fabrication trete eksteryè yo anpeche koule.2. Chofaj ak vibran ka kontinye ansanm.3. Plak chofaj ki fèmen ak karakteristik pwoteksyon flanm dife, vit cho-up ak rezistans.4. Pouvwa chofaj ak vitès vibran se estrès ... -
Laboratwa mayetik ajitasyon oswa mixer mayetik
Pwodwi deskripsyon laboratwa mayetik ajitasyon oswa mayetik mixer anpil nan ajan aktyèl yo mayetik Thorne leman yo pa vle di nan yon motè elektrik. Sa a ki kalite ekipman se youn nan pi senp lan yo prepare melanj. Mayetik ajan yo an silans epi yo bay posibilite pou brase sistèm fèmen san yo pa bezwen an pou izolasyon, tankou nan ka a ak ajitatè mekanik. Paske nan gwosè yo, brase ba yo ka netwaye ak esterilize pi fasil pase lòt aparèy tankou brase baton ... -
Plak laboratwa kalite siperyè
Product Description High Quality Laboratory Heating Plate Uses: It is suitable for heating in laboratories, industrial and mining enterprise and scientific and research units. Characteristics: 1.The plate is made of stainless steel, good thermal conductivity, high temperature uniformity,large heating area ,fast heating .It is good for heating the samples. 2.Temperature Sistèm Kontwòl ak processeur ChIP mikro, segondè presizyon kontwòl tanperati, fò fonksyon. Konpayi an pwodwi ... -
Laboratwa 350 C Plak chofaj
Pwodwi Deskripsyon Laboratwa 350 C Plak Chofaj Plak Hot plak ede ou san danje chalè echantiyon laboratwa. Enstriman mikro-kontwole ka delivre rezilta egzat ak repete. Choose from digital and nondigital heating plates with durable aluminum tops that will not crack or chip or chemical-resistant ceramic plates that can be easily cleaned. Pou chofaj similtane ak brase, eseye ajitasyon/plak cho ak yon ajan mayetik entegre. Jwenn yo tout nan Grainge ... -
Plak chofaj elektrik pou laboratwa
Pwodwi Deskripsyon Plak chofaj elektrik pou laboratwa 一、 Itilizasyon: Pwodwi sa a apwopriye pou chofaj agrikilti echantiyon, forè, pwoteksyon anviwònman, géologie ak petwòl, pwodui chimik, manje ak lòt depatman ak enstitisyon nan pi wo aprantisaj, inite rechèch syantifik. : Karakteristik: 1. se koki a te fè nan asye kalite siperyè, ak sprayingsurface, konsepsyon inovatè, aparans, pèfòmans korozyon, dirab. 2.Adopt ThyristorStepless Ajistem ... -
Plak chofaj laboratwa
Product Description Laboratory Heating Plate Uses:It is suitable for heating in laboratories, industrial and mining enterprise and scientific and research units. Karakteristik: 1. Li adopte style chofaj fèmen san yo pa dife toutouni.2. Li adopte Silisyòm kontwole Stepless reglemante pou tanperati chofaj diferan.3. Koki a adopte teknoloji flite Electrostatic. Li te gen fiks ak bèl kouch sifas.4. Se sifas la chofaj te fè nan fè jete. 1. se koki a te fè nan segondè qual ... -
Nerjaveèi asye laboratwa segondè plak tanperati cho
Product Description Stainless steel Laboratory High Temperature Hot Plate Use Factory producing precision heating plate, the use of heating equipment for industry, agriculture, universities, industrial and mining enterprises, health care, scientific research units, laboratories. 2.Featuresan elektrik plak cho pou estrikti Desktop, se sifas la chofaj te fè nan navèt amann jete aliminyòm, jete entèn li yo tiyo chofaj. Pa gen chofaj flanm dife, san danje, serye, segondè efikasite tèmik.2, USI ... -